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Showcased in major international media outlets such as Variety, Vogue Global Network/Condé Nast, People Magazine, and more, and with nearly 20,000 celebrities, honorees, film industry execs, and movie fans attending last year’s festival in multiple iconic venues—the Garden State Film Festival is awarding Jarrod Radnich their prestigious “Best Movie Music” award at this year’s festival for his original film score/soundtrack to Gordon J. Clark’s new film, MESSAGES TO SELF.

The Garden State Film Festival (GSFF) includes panel discussions, in-depth celebrity talk backs, star-studded red-carpet gala, and entertaining parties—all in addition to the screenings of +200 films from +20 countries around the world. Globally known as a “filmmaker’s festival”, GSFF showcases premier films, renowned and emerging artists, empowering global connectivity between creators, innovators and audiences.

For more information on the Garden State Film Festival, visit their website at: