SACRAMENTO, CA – “Exquisitely balanced, lush, virtuosic, timeless, cinematic, soulful, sweeping, Liszt-like…” these are a few of the descriptions of the music of pianist and composer, Jarrod Radnich. As one of this nation’s most up-and-coming composers and pianists, while capturing the top position on Google’s YouTube rankings for piano performance and placed in the top 20 of all US classical artists by ReverbNation, Radnich has deservedly been heralded as “the force that is making the classical piano cool again.” Radnich, who is also a Mason & Hamlin artist, was recently featured with PianoDisc on NBC’s Today show, and visitors to Disneyland’s Tomorrowland can see him perform “live” on a player piano as he performs his original piano arrangements over 3,000 times a day. With favorite classical composers of Maurice Ravel and Sergei Rachmaninoff, Radnich’s current works follow suit. His fresh compositions and orchestrations have drawn much acclaim and have been performed by him at Lincoln Center, the Annenberg Theatre, and the Music Center at Strathmore, to name but a few.
When I heard and saw Jarrod perform live, I was truly astounded. – Tom Lagomarsino, Executive Vice President for PianoDisc
“And when I saw his performance again – but this time as a demo on our PianoDisc iQ Intelligent Player System – I knew that Jarrod’s musical performances would be a superb addition to our extensive piano music library. To watch the keys play exactly as he plays, with every nuance, rhythm, and ornament that he is famous for, is such a joy; and we look forward to adding much more of his outstandingly virtuosic music to our library over the coming years.”
The signing of Radnich as a recording artist is part of PianoDisc’s continuing expansion of its music library to include the best in new modern acoustic piano talent, including Billboard’s #1 R&B artist Brian Culbertson, and contemporary jazz artist, five-time Grammy nominee David Benoit. PianoDisc exclusively brings this outstanding music to life on pianos in homes, schools, and businesses around the globe – all without Radnich, Culbertson, or Benoit being there
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Radnich’s performances of his top-rated contemporary singles, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Hedwig’s Theme” as well as his sweeping new album, A Virtuosic Christmas: Piano Solo Favorites Like Never Before will be available in the PianoDisc library very soon. The fully-orchestrated version of this Christmas album, Ornaments II, will be available this fall, and PianoDisc customers can expect to also see at least ten new PianoSync albums with Radnich’s virtuosic touch before year’s end.
PHOTO CAPTION: PianoDisc Executive Vice President, Tom Lagomarsino, and Mason & Hamlin National Marketing Manager, Cecil Ramirez, welcome artist, Jarrod Radnich, to PianoDisc and Mason & Hamlin